Tuesday 30 August 2016

White Sauce Paste Recipe With Homemade White Sauce

Pasta is the favorite dish of most of the kids as well as adults..But as most of the people dont know how to cook a perfect pasta, they end up buying it from outside which is quite unhealthy. I am sharing a very easy recipe of white sauce pasta which can be used by just anyone to cook a delicious and healthy pasta.


White sauce pasta

To cook pasta you will need pasta..Take 1 bowl of any kind of pasta and  boil it in a pain.Add a teaspoon of oil and a pinch of salt to it while boiling it.Boil it for 10-12 minutes and strain the excess water in the strainer.Pour a glass of cold water over it so that it will not get sticky.

White sauce pasta recipe


1 teaspoon butter
2 teaspoon refined flour or whole wheat flour 
chilly flakes


Take 1 teaspoon butter and heat it in a medium size pan

Add 1 teaspoon flour  to it and stir it well so that no lumps are formed.Keep stiring it for 2-3 minutes.

In a bowl take half a glass cold milk and mix 1 teaspoon flour  to it.

Make sure no lumps are formed.

Mix this milk in the flour paste in the pan and keep stiring it.

Now add a pinch of oregano,thyme,basil and chilli flakes to it.

Add salt to taste.

If you find the sauce to be thick add more milk to it.

In a separate pan take a drop or two of oil and heat it.To it add all the chopped vegetables and cook for 5 minutes.

Add the boiled pasta and vegetables to the sauce and cook for 2-3 minutes.Your yummy white sauce pasta is ready.

And i can bet your kids gonna love it.


This is a very healthy version of pasta and if you want to loose weight , you should eat this pasta for dinner.For butter you can use low calorie butter and you can use whole wheat flour.